SGT Charles A Fricke VFW Post 805 O'Fallon IL

VFW Post 805 continues to grow and currently consists of over 650 members. It is the largest VFW Post in Illinois VFW District 14, which encompasses all of southwest Illinois and the St Louis metro-east region. It is also the 5th largest VFW Post in all of Illinois. Our Auxiliary currently consists of 62 registered members and we collectively leverage literally thousands of our family members to help support our cause. Through sustained and challenging work, our Post has achieved VFW All-State and/or All-American status for an unparalleled ten consecutive years since 2008 -- denoting exceptional achievement by exceeding organizational goals and providing outstanding civic and community support. Once again VFW Post 805 has been recently designated as an All-State and All-American Post for calendar year 2017-2018. Moreover, the Post was one of only 61 VFW Posts worldwide to receive the prestigious VFW National Outstanding Community Service Post award for 2018, out of over 6500 posts eligible to receive the award.

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