Hello ladies and gentleman, My name is Jeff I am with “The flagman’s mission continues“ We are working together with the veteran’s of Foreign wars post 805 in Ofallon Illinois to organize a veteran’s day event that is different than anything we have ever done. Under the Covid 19 restrictions these times are difficult, but we believe that honoring veteran’s and educating the community is a much needed thing to do during these times of uncertainty. we are asking for you to help us remember and educate .We are hosting a VETERANS FLAG WAY it will be approximately a mile long drive through display of military vehicles and veteran’s displays along with live displays such as reenactment soldiers camp sites. The entire route will be lined with hundreds of flags as well as a field of flags
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“ The flagman’s mission continues”
SGT. Charles A Fricke VFW POST 805
People will be able to drive through the display on veteran’s day, November 11th , 2020 from Noon - 3pm
We will be positioning display vehicles at approximately 9AM it will be held at the city sports park in Ofallon Illinois
Just a 15 minute drive from down town St. Louis mo.
For more information or ways to help please contact us at
Our website and go to get involved
Or Email
Or call me at