Flags Up: Thursday, March 25th, 2021 Time 4:00pm
Flags Down: Saturday, March 27th 2021 at Time 10a
Location: Jones Funeral Home, 1055 north Schuyler AVE., Kankakee Illinois 60901
Event: Fallen soldier, PFC Dion Stewart
Funeral service Friday March 26th 2021
Comments: Help needed setting up flags Please wear gloves, walking shoes, and dress accordingly
Setup and takedown will normally take approximately 2 hours or less with enough volunteers!
(Please wear work gloves and walking shoes anyone that is able to walk and carry 10lbs. can help
(Prefer over the age of 12 years old )
We will provide all the flags and equipment needed for set up!)
For any one with questions you can call or text me at
Thanks Jeff Hastings
CEO “The Flagman’s mission continues “